Projects Appraisal


Potential Clients



These may include investors in projects, real estates or special purpose vehicles

These may include direct financiers to the investors above.


Potential Beneficiaries




Service Overview


CRA undertakes an appraisal of the viability of the prospective project. The assessment covers external factors and internal factors of the prospective project.

For the external assessment, this will include environmental scanning using models  such as PESTLE (Political, Economic,  Social, Technological, Legal and Environment) and due consideration of the sovereign risk.

For internal assessment, a meticulous review of the business and financial risk of the prospective project will be undertaken.

Business Risk: Evaluation of the strengths/weaknesses of the operations of the project  including market position, geographic diversification, sector strengths or weaknesses, market cyclicality and competitive dynamics. This approach allows projects to be compared with each other and relative strengths/weaknesses to be identified.

Financial Risk: Evaluation of the financial flexibility of the project including total sales and profitability measures, margins, growth expectations, liquidity, funding diversity and financial forecasts.

Models applied in the business risk assessment include:
Core competencies
Porters Five Forces
The GE-McKinsey nine-box matrix
The BCG growth-share matrix


Core competencies


Financial Analysis
Credit Review
Audit Review
Forensic and Due Diligence Assessments
Communication Skills





Report with Clear Recommendations


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