Main Services

Credit Rating Agency Limited was established to primarily provide corporate rating services and anaytical support to entities.

The Zambian economy like some other parts of Africa has exerienced phenomenal growth in the 21st centuary, largely driven by private sector developments. Corporate ratings have been identified as a catalyst to spur growth further.

Overview  Policies Methodologies

Services Overview

Corporate Ratings

This is our core business area as presented above and via the link here: read more

Credit Advisory

On the flip side, we provide credit reviews on clients for prospective lenders. Our integrated knowledge of the market and borrowers gives us a unique bird's eye view, which individual lenders may not possess on their more

Project Appraisal

We do examine the viability of prospective and existing projects. Our knowledge of industries and markets empower us with the necessary insights to appraise projects well beyond the numbers. read more

Designated Financial Advisor

We are approved by the Lusaka Stock Exchange Limited (LuSE) as a Designated Financial Advisor to SMEs. This means that CRA is qualified to be appointed as DFA by SMEs that desire to list on the Alternative Market (i.e. Alt-M) at the LuSE for purposes of guiding such SMEs through all the procedures necessary to get listed on LuSE’s Alt-M. read more

Social Performance Assessments

We work with Inclusion Africa who conduct Social Performance Assesments (SPAs) on behalf of Moodys. Our SPAs are conducted in accordance with Moodys methodology and enable clients benchmark globally. SPAs serve important internal and external needs of clients and can open up opportunities for new sources of financing. read more

Research and Training

Our ratings and all other assessments are conducted using transparent methodology. At CRA we believe our clients have to understand our methods in order to value our work. Training is conducted for prospective ratees, researchers and other interested more

Special Offer

Orientation sessions for banks and insurance companies will be conducted on 25 August 2022 by CRA. The sessions shall highlight the benefits of obtaining a corporate credit rating and outline the methodologies employed.

Details of the venue will be announced soon on this page.

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